Sunday 4 January 2009

The Colour Purple

Compounds that colour fruits may protect against cancer

Understanding the molecular structures of compounds that give certain fruits and vegetables their rich colours may help researchers find even more powerful cancer fighters.

Anthocyanins, the compounds that give colour to purple, red and blue fruits and vegetables—some of which are also commonly used as dyes—can significantly slow the growth of cancer cells.

“These foods contain many compounds, and we're just starting to figure out what they are and which ones provide the best health benefits,” said Monica Giusti, the lead author of the study and an assistant professor of food science at Ohio State University.

Giusti and her colleagues found that in some cases, slight alterations to the structure of anthocyanin molecules made these compounds more potent anti-cancer agents. The finding brings scientists a step closer to figuring out exactly what properties in fruits and vegetables give them their cancer-fighting capacity.

The anti-cancer effects of anthocyanin-rich extracts from a variety of produce were tested. They retrieved these anthocyanins from some relatively exotic fruits and other plants, including grapes, radishes, purple corn, bilberries, purple carrots and elderberries.

The plants were chosen due to their extremely deep colours, and therefore high anthocyanin content. The researchers added different extracts to flasks that contained colon cancer cells. They used an analytical technique called high-performance liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry in order to determine the exact chemical structure of each compound. They used biological tests to determine the number of cancer cells left after anthocyanin treatment.

Researchers found that the amount of anthocyanin extract needed to reduce cancer cell growth by 50 percent varied among the plants. Extract derived from purple corn was the most potent, in that it took the least amount of extract to cut cell numbers in half.

In additional laboratory studies, she and her colleagues found that anthocyanin pigments from radish and black carrots slowed the growth of cancer cells anywhere from 50 to 80 percent. But pigments from purple corn and chokeberries not only completely stopped the growth of cancer cells, but also killed roughly 20 percent of the cancer cells while having little effect on healthy cells.

“All fruits and vegetables that are rich in anthocyanins have compounds that can slow down the growth of colon cancer cells, whether in experiments in laboratory dishes or inside the body,” Giusti said. There may be relatively simple ways to implement these new findings.

“There are more than 600 different anthocyanins found in nature,” Giusti said. “While we know that the concentration of anthocyanins in the GI tract is ultimately affected by their chemical structures, we're just beginning to scratch the surface of understanding how the body absorbs and uses these different structures.”

“It is possible to use natural, anthocyanin-based food colourants instead of synthetic dyes,” Giusti said. “Doing so still maintains the wonderful colours of foods while enhancing their health-promoting properties.”

Previous research at Ohio State found that black raspberries appear to reduce the growth of esophageal and colon cancers tumors.

The team is also evaluating how these pigments interact with other compounds in foods – such interactions could ultimately affect the health benefits of the food or the anthocyanin itself.


Unknown said...

What about lavender? Because it's pretty much good for everything - the essential oil, ranging from mosquito bites to burns. And beetroot

So they'll make compound changes in the lab and then inject them or how will they use it as treatment?

PS: Purple and black carrots and corn? seriously?

Shimmerrings said...

Wow... very interesting. Nothing like good old mother nature... and a swish or two of the majic wand ...

QUASAR9 said...

Hi Random,
Green Giant Sweet Corn is yellow from selective breeding. Among the native varieties you 'naturally' get purple corn (royal corn?). I wonder if kids would eat more of their greens if it were marketed purple - lol!

As for how the treatment is to be used - as a foodstuff, drink or potion would be a good start for the esophagus & colon. But no doubt science and pharmacology will try to synthesize it into a more potent chemical compund or drug to tackle more advanced cases.

QUASAR9 said...

Hi shimmerrings,
we humans are peculiar creatures, often looking for miracle cures, silver bullets or instant treatment for conditions that have developed over time.

If a smoker gives up smoking now, his lungs will still never be as clean as if he'd bever smoked, and no drug or surgery is going to make them clean. Of course he can always buy a new pair of lungs.

There is no one answer for the myriad of conditions & afflictions that ail humans, but sometimes I think we venture into the accepted wisdom of the time - sometimes modern scientific research imposing itself over alternative cures, because science is based on testable evidence. Yet are we denying other treatments the same opportunity to be tested.

And yet if a treatment approved by the Medical Wisdom of the age fails, there is no comeback, whereas anyone who suggests or recommends a treatment other than that approved by 'scientific' knowledge - one is out on a limb.

Bob said...

Well thats a good thing they're doing there because anything that gets cancer under control has to be good. Here they say that heart disease is Britains biggest killer, I don't know how they come by that idea but I don't believe it for one minute. Cancer is the big enemy for sure no matter what people say. Bob.

QUASAR9 said...

Hi ukbob,
The thing is when people are vulnerable and afraid, they like to think that there is someone or some science they can trust. And they'll put their trust in whoever promises a solution, but alas the cold reality often falls far short.

Often some method or treatment is trumpeted as the best, but as we know doctors (GPs) do not like to hear about the downside or any ill side effects from drugs. That's the power of marketing.

I often wonder though if someone really had something that could cure something, instead of trying to hold out for the highest price from NICE (and denyng patients) wouldn't it be more logical to make it freely available ... and be recompensed (or paid) for the success, rather than trying to charge extortionate prices for drugs which are neither miraculous or a cure.

Shimmerrings said...

Quasar, my brother has prostrate cancer. Rather than go for surgery, he opted to try and change his numbers through a change in diet and with supplements (probably herbal). Not only did his weight drop, of course, but his numbers did, as well. I'd been onto herbs and natural stuff for years. I couldn't believe it when he finally got on the band wagon and started telling me all about what many of us already know about pharmaceutical companies. I was thrilled that he had seen the light, there. My own interest in these things began years ago when Phil Donahue used to have his talk show and he had people on his show who had multiple sclerosis or muscular dystrophy, or something like that, and who were cured when assisted by a Naturalist (naturopathy) who changed their diets. Most of the conditions were caused by additives and processed foods. More recently, my interest became peaked when reading a book called These Painted Wings... a severe case of bi-polar disorder that as corrected through mineral and vitamin supplements (a formula developed by a man who developed supplements for pigs... that's right, swine). When they tried striking out on their own, as you suggest, they were, as expected, met with every obstacle that could be tossed at them, even when they had research to back their claims. It was the Canadian government that had blocked them from importing the simple vitamins and supplments that they needed to make their formulas. For myself, the things that concern me are the way conditions are treated... personally, my own concerns lie with regards to my mother, who is up there in years. I don't appreciate hearing... well, it's to be expected, she is 83, afterall. Beyond that, what is the cause of the condition? What if she was younger, what would they do? As it is, most of my mother's generation has always depended on what the doctor said, as if the doctor is god... and they have never taken matters into their own hands... then you do end up with being so dependent on so many different drugs to get one through to the next day.

Whooo... didn't mean to rant.

p.s. yes I did, too, lol.

Mary said...

Must eat your fruits and veggies. Yum!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, we have a firm here in N.Z. who have discovered that the colour purple is popular with children. They market all sorts of weird and wonderful "purple" products.
Perhaps in time we will evolve into a Purple People maybe?

QUASAR9 said...

Hi shimmerrings, it is not only doctors and the medical fraternity who still think they are gods, many people have blind faith in medical science - and they can be out to milk you for what you've got and bleed you dry.

Ageing & dying are a fact of life.
Sure, we should expect to improve our old age - but I believe in an old age worth living - being hooked up to a machine and absurd costs, being promised high priced miracle drugs that one cannot afford - this is not medicine this is fraud.

Give the druga away for free, if it is good you can bet they'll be back for more - that's how other drug dealers operate

They don't expect to put a $10,000 price tag on it up front - that is extortion of the sort even the Mafia never exercised. Having to pay up front for something you might not enjoy, which may not cure you and may even do you harm?

People really do live and die in cucu land. Money cannot buy health and happiness - money does allow you to live more healthy & happier.

QUASAR9 said...

Hi Mary, a healthy apetite is good
but an imbalance, too much of any one thing or not enough of another is not so good
And we are each 'unique' what is mana or candy from heaven for one is sheer deadly poison for another.

QUASAR9 said...

lol Aggie,
bet the kids still don't think much of purple broccoli or purple cabbage or purple aubergenes, and I suspect they use artificial colourants on purple candy.

Now I like carrot cake, but not sure chocolate beetroot cake will take of - what do you think

Deb said...

I'm glad I love my wine! ;) They say if a fruit or vegetable doesn't have color, it doesn't have nutrition or lacks a helluva' lot of vitamins. Iceburg lettuce---bleckkk!

Interesting post!

QUASAR9 said...

lol Deb,
red wine don't cure everything
but it certainly keeps a lot of ills away

serenity said...

Great post. It strikes me that all of this contained in the plants that grow... and in such a modern world we still don't know so little about all the power contained therein. No money in it I suppose to research what is already there for the ingesting.

Hugs, love and lots of smiles sent to you across the miles and wishes for a wonderful new week :)

Anonymous said...

Hmm, purple chocolate cake! I don't think so ... lots of hyped up colourant intolerant allergic reactions from kids after would be my best bet!
Can't beat the real thing I reckon.

Jay said...

wow that was nice to know!

Jay said...

Care to trade links? My site is

If would like to trade, post my link, then comment or email me and I will post yours on my site as a permanent link. Send what you want to your link to be called and your link please.
I would appreciate the linkage, Thanks!

Gill said...

Purple corn chips with salsa!
Yeah baby, fightn cancer!
(We just told Olivia the other day, a colourful diet is a happy diet.)

mystic rose said...

interesting, how each fruit, flower, leaf has specific benefical compounds and we are just now beginning to realise how correct Ayurveda and some of the older herbal sciences are.

I dreamt of fruits and vegetables last night, and from a vast variety I picked up these amazingly purplish blue eggplants.


mystic rose said...

Fascinating article on quasar9.

intense interaction. stellar, in fact! (CANNOT comment on haloscan tho I do read you).

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

on the corn topic...

not much left in NA that is not GE!!!